Concurrent Coding:-
To exploit the power of multiprocessor systems, applications are generally structured using multiple threads. But as anyone who's written a concurrent application can tell you, simply dividing up the work across multiple threads isn't enough to achieve good hardware utilization -- you must ensure that your threads spend most of their time actually doing work, rather than waiting for more work to do, or waiting for locks on shared data structures.
Using Synchronization -
The traditional way to coordinate access to shared fields in the Java language is to use synchronization, ensuring that all access to shared fields is done holding the appropriate lock. With synchronization, you are assured (assuming your class is properly written) that whichever thread holds the lock that protects a given set of variables will have exclusive access to those variables, and changes to those variables will become visible to other threads when they subsequently acquire the lock. The downside is that if the lock is heavily contended (threads frequently ask to acquire the lock when it is already held by another thread), throughput can suffer, as contended synchronization can be quite expensive. (Public Service Announcement: uncontended synchronization is now quite inexpensive on modern JVMs.)
Another problem with lock-based algorithms is that if a thread holding a lock is delayed (due to a page fault, scheduling delay, or other unexpected delay), then no thread requiring that lock may make progress.
Using Volatile -
Volatile variables can also be used to store shared variables at a lower cost than that of synchronization, but they have limitations. While writes to volatile variables are guaranteed to be immediately visible to other threads, there is no way to render a read-modify-write sequence of operations atomic, meaning, for example, that a volatile variable cannot be used to reliably implement a mutex (mutual exclusion lock) or a counter.
Using Atomic -
The first processors that supported concurrency provided atomic test-and-set operations, which generally operated on a single bit. The most common approach taken by current processors, including Intel and Sparc processors, is to implement a primitive called compare-and-swap, or CAS. (On Intel processors, compare-and-swap is implemented by the cmpxchg family of instructions. PowerPC processors have a pair of instructions called "load and reserve" and "store conditional" that accomplish the same goal; similar for MIPS, except the first is called "load linked.")
A CAS operation includes three operands -- a memory location (V), the expected old value (A), and a new value (B). The processor will atomically update the location to the new value if the value that is there matches the expected old value, otherwise it will do nothing. In either case, it returns the value that was at that location prior to the CAS instruction. (Some flavors of CAS will instead simply return whether or not the CAS succeeded, rather than fetching the current value.) CAS effectively says "I think location V should have the value A; if it does, put B in it, otherwise, don't change it but tell me what value is there now."
The natural way to use CAS for synchronization is to read a value A from an address V, perform a multistep computation to derive a new value B, and then use CAS to change the value of V from A to B. The CAS succeeds if the value at V has not been changed in the meantime.
Instructions like CAS allow an algorithm to execute a read-modify-write sequence without fear of another thread modifying the variable in the meantime, because if another thread did modify the variable, the CAS would detect it (and fail) and the algorithm could retry the operation. Listing 3 illustrates the behavior (but not performance characteristics) of the CAS operation, but the value of CAS is that it is implemented in hardware and is extremely lightweight (on most processors):
Concurrent algorithms based on CAS are called lock-free, because threads do not ever have to wait for a lock (sometimes called a mutex or critical section, depending on the terminology of your threading platform). Either the CAS operation succeeds or it doesn't, but in either case, it completes in a predictable amount of time.
Atomic variable classes
Until JDK 5.0, it was not possible to write wait-free, lock-free algorithms in the Java language without using native code. With the addition of the atomic variables classes in the
package, that has changed. The atomic variable classes all expose a compare-and-set primitive (similar to compare-and-swap), which is implemented using the fastest native construct available on the platform (compare-and-swap, load linked/store conditional, or, in the worst case, spin locks). Nine flavors of atomic variables are provided in the java.util.concurrent.atomic
package (AtomicInteger
; AtomicLong
; AtomicBoolean
; array forms of atomic integer; long; reference; and atomic marked reference and stamped reference classes, which atomically update a pair of values).The atomic variable classes can be thought of as a generalization of
variables, extending the concept of volatile variables to support atomic conditional compare-and-set updates. Reads and writes of atomic variables have the same memory semantics as read and write access to volatile variables.While the atomic variable classes might look superficially like the
example in Listing 1, the similarity is only superficial. Under the hood, operations on atomic variables get turned into the hardware primitives that the platform provides for concurrent access, such as compare-and-swap.Atomic variables in java.util.concurrent
"Nearly all the classes in the
package use atomic variables instead of synchronization, either directly or indirectly. Classes like ConcurrentLinkedQueue
use atomic variables to directly implement wait-free algorithms, and classes like ConcurrentHashMap
use ReentrantLock
for locking where needed. ReentrantLock
, in turn, uses atomic variables to maintain the queue of threads waiting for the lock."Sample Code For CAS -
Code illustrating the behavior (but not performance) of compare-and-swap
public class SimulatedCAS { private int value; public synchronized int getValue() { return value; } public synchronized int compareAndSwap(int expectedValue, int newValue) { int oldValue = value; if (value == expectedValue) value = newValue; return oldValue; } } |
Implementing a counter with compare-and-swap
public class CasCounter { private SimulatedCAS value; public int getValue() { return value.getValue(); } public int increment() { int oldValue = value.getValue(); while (value.compareAndSwap(oldValue, oldValue + 1) != oldValue) oldValue = value.getValue(); return oldValue + 1; } } |
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